Home > News > Company news > Good news | Big Oak Technology was awarded the title of "specialized and new" small and medium-sized enterprise
Good news | Big Oak Technology was awarded the title of "specialized and new" small and medium-sized enterprise
2022-08-26 829

Specialized, refined, and innovative/ < Span style="font size: 16px;">August 25th, 2022

In accordance with the relevant policy requirements of "specialization, refinement, and novelty" of the country and Beijing, Beijing Daxiang Technology Co., Ltd.With outstanding achievements in enterprise innovation and development, it has become the fourth batch of "specialized, refined, and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises to be recognized in Beijing in 2022.



refers to specialization and specialized technology, where enterprises focus on and deeply cultivate a certain link or product in the industrial chain;

refers to the refinement of production, management, and services for enterprises.

refers to the uniqueness and specialization of a product or service, which has the characteristics of industry or region uniqueness, uniqueness, and exclusive production;

refers to independent innovation and model innovation.
