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Organ-like chip leader appeared at China Integrated Biosamples Congress
2021-04-11 1097

By China Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Association The 2021China Integrated Biological Sample Science Conference and the 8th China Biological Sample Bank President Summit Forum, co sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, was held on April 8, 2001.021= Font family: Microsoft Yahei; font size: 10.5pt; ">-10was grandly held in Shanghai on the day, with a total of 500from hospitals, research institutions, and biopharmaceutical enterprises, Nearly 1000OtherNameRepresentativeParticipate in this grand event


; font-size: 10.5pt; ">It is a three-dimensional cell complex formed by inducing differentiation of stem cells or organ progenitor cells using 3D culture technology in vitro, which is structurally and functionally similar to the target organ or tissue. It has stable phenotype and genetic characteristics and can be cultured in vitro for a long time.translational medicine and frontier fields of medical research and development were mentioned and recognized by many academicians and experts at the conference; meanwhile, as a" live library ", the organ like sample libraryis more extensive, especially
